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Writer's pictureDJ Action Slacks

Please Support During Fall Fund Drive

Hello Radio Lovers!

Each time I perform as a DJ in public at least one person expresses to me how much they miss hearing my show on KMHD. I appreciate that sentiment. However, the best way to express your appreciation for my radio show (past & present) is to support the station that currently makes it possible to hear the show. - XRAY fm.

I deeply appreciate the many of you who have told me over the years that you became a member of KMHD because of my show. I'm writing to you today to ask you to place that support behind a station that actually NEEDS your financial support.

This year I'd like you to consider turning your support to XRAY.

I chose to bring Travlin' the Tracks to XRAY fm because I wanted to attach my name to an organization that's more closely aligned with my ethics, and one that I can trust to be truthful and accountable. In other words, I wanted to be a part of something I can believe in.

XRAY broadcasts in service to the community. Unlike some other stations, they don't broadcast for the purpose of asking you to send them money. They earn your donations for the purpose of serving you. In fact, they ARE you, and they bend and shape the station to serve the community's needs.

In this era of isolation, XRAY strives to become a cultural hub that brings us all closer together. Since coming to XRAY, I've witnessed and experienced nothing but love, passion, and a sincere desire to improve and grow.

That's a cause I can get behind, and I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I've become the first person to make a donation on my show donation page. If you value being able to access the Travlin' the Tracks archives at your leisure or being able to hear it on actual radio airwaves, please follow suit and make your donation today. Support the station that supports you.

Oh, and by the way - you can also choose to purchase Travlin the Tracks t-shirts in support of XRAY!

Thanks so much for your continued support, and I hope to see you out on the dance floor soon.

Your pal,

DJ Action slacks

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